Monday, November 1, 2010

Cutting education budget means cutting education

I came across an article where it said that legislature is likely to cut education budget to meet $25billion budget gap. Texas likely to face budget crisis, and in order to prepare for it lawmakers are planning to cut budget on education, laying off hundreds of state workers and public universities employee.  Our budget gap is now larger compare to California.

If education employee loses their job then this will affect the students, having higher number of students in class will certainly affect in student education.  As budget is cutoff, chances of using old textbooks is higher, lack of modern and new technology will also have direct impact on student education.

The author is successful in making it clear to the reader that the Texas budget gap has grown in recent years. It’s been ages now Texans are facing crisis and seems like Perry has got nothing in the store to do for them. From my point of view too, massive downturn in educational fields could be seen during upcoming government session .The article concludes on a positive note by putting the hopes on the government and being hopeful of its successful actions. Let’s wait and watch what’s upcoming governor has to do about it.

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