Recently there has been a lot of uproar about how much dollars are funded for an education purposes at Universities and Community colleges. I came across an article titled “Higher Education” while going through “The Texas Tribune”. This article states that the “Funding for public academic institutions is based on formulas prepared by the coordinating board and based primarily on enrollments and semester credit hours.” All these esteemed institutions named University of Texas, which has numerous branches located at Arlington, San Antonio, Dallas, North Texas and many more, and including A&M and all of its branches; depends on an income from “Permanent University Fund”. Regardless, for all other universities legislature has established some source of funding from higher education board.
After the 10 Billion state budget shortfall increasing the tuition fees where only the option. But this step seems not suitable for many students and their parents. The loss of 10B occurred when Universities were assigned to take care of tuitions themselves and manage their tuitions rate. All these lawmakers and legislators of course, are trying to get back lost fund by blaming and punishing Universities. I personally think that if such responsibilities are given to Universities directly by education board then they must have thought about it more delicately. Texas is already facing budget problem and sources of funds for education like property taxes Texas lotto, etc are just not enough to cover the upcoming budget short fall.
It seems that when states have to do any budget cutting, education is the first to suffer. Makes one wonder, doesn’t it?